Goodbye to a Prince 👑 Excerpt

Did you watch Prince Philip‘s funeral? I’m very much a royalist, thanks to my mom. She was British to the bone. If she were still here, she would have watched it and I wonder what she would think of all the drama around H&M. I really felt for HMTQ, sitting there alone, with her head bowed. […]

🔥Cavemen, remember them? 🔥 Excerpt

It’s a year into the way our lives have changed. How have you managed? I hope Covid hasn’t touched any of you. For me the time has flown. I can’t believe how fast time is going by and here we are pretty much the same as a year ago. Usually reflection is around New Years, […]

Snow, Sand, Secret

All of my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Texas. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Much of my TikTok stream is showing the suffering of so many people, animals and I was stunned seeing the turtles. It’s something I hadn’t even considered. How the cold would affect marine life. We’ve had a […]

#FreeBook! #Excerpt & Audio Month!

The middle of June is here and I’m still looking for garden flowers. Supply is running low in the garden centres. I bought a gazebo, and a couple of comfy chairs so that I can turn it into my outside oasis. There are screens to drop if the mozzies get bad and still lots to […]

What Day Is It?! And #excerpt

I have no clue!! How is it possible we’re more than half way through May? How are you all doing with the quarantine and I hope you are are healthy and well. My son is still with me and we’ve done well to be co-habitating these past two months. He’s 29. I expect he’ll be […]

A New Man & a #FREE Book!

So how’s everyone doing? Rather rough few weeks, eh? I feel utterly exhausted and don’t really want to talk about the virus here so all I’m going to say is – be safe – be healthy – wash your hands. Four nights ago I welcomed a new man into my house. I will never have […]

Sun, Sand, Surf & BOOKS – Free & .99p!

I’ve been thinking about how fast time is flying by. It’s shocking and I can’t believe it’s already February 17th! My granddaughter will be two months old on the 26th, and I just had my 59th birthday. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? But isn’t she adorable? I could just gobble her up. She’s started smiling too. […]

Books, Baby & Bargains! Excerpt Too!

November is a very busy month for me. Two birthdays, my brother and my son, and my brother and sister-in-law celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary. Plus we had a baby shower on Sunday for my first grand baby due in December. Next month will also be hectic as the new parent’s are moving, baby will […]

Singapore! #travelingwriter

It’s no secret I love to travel. The older I get the more I want to explore and see the world. I’d have to say my mom passed that down to me, she was always ready to hop on a plane and jet somewhere. She and I traveled in the years prior to her death […]