Behind the Scenes

Hey friends, I hope your summer has been fabulous. Mine has been, and a big event happened for me. But I can’t tell you right now….maybe later. I’m Bonni, the main character in Shana Gray’s WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS. I think Shana did a bang-up job creating a world where my college friends and I met […]

📚Free eBooks 📚 Babies ❤ and Bed! 💤 Really Big Giveaway

My granddaughter spent the last three days and two nights with me while mommy and daddy did the moving gig. It was the first time she’d been away from them for more than a usual one night. She was an angel. We have fun, learn nature, play with the pets, and spend lots of time […]

#FreeBook! #Excerpt & Audio Month!

The middle of June is here and I’m still looking for garden flowers. Supply is running low in the garden centres. I bought a gazebo, and a couple of comfy chairs so that I can turn it into my outside oasis. There are screens to drop if the mozzies get bad and still lots to […]

A New Man & a #FREE Book!

So how’s everyone doing? Rather rough few weeks, eh? I feel utterly exhausted and don’t really want to talk about the virus here so all I’m going to say is – be safe – be healthy – wash your hands. Four nights ago I welcomed a new man into my house. I will never have […]

Sun, Sand, Surf & BOOKS – Free & .99p!

I’ve been thinking about how fast time is flying by. It’s shocking and I can’t believe it’s already February 17th! My granddaughter will be two months old on the 26th, and I just had my 59th birthday. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? But isn’t she adorable? I could just gobble her up. She’s started smiling too. […]

Kindle & Multi eBook Giveaway!

Have you entered yet for a chance to win a Kindle loaded up with books by some fabulous authors? The contest is open until May 31. Entry form below. This giveaway is to celebrate and have one last hurrah as we close off the GIRLS WEEKEND AWAY series!! I’m thrilled that Bonni, Celia, Ava, and […]

🎉🎉 Win a KINDLE!! 🎉🎉 NEW RELEASE 🎉🎉

Yes, you read that right! Now’s your chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite loaded up with a whole bunch of books by amazing authors!  See below for the entry form. This giveaway is to celebrate and have one last hurrah as we close off the GIRLS WEEKEND AWAY series!! I’m thrilled that Bonni, Celia, Ava, […]


Are you ready for the big news? I’m celebrating so if you want to be the first to know sign up for my NEWSLETTER. Sunday is announcement day for, well, you’ll have to wait until Sunday to find out 😄 And wow! Entangled Publishing, my US / Canada publisher put WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS #FREE!! […]