Hey friends,
I hope your summer has been fabulous. Mine has been, and a big event happened for me. But I can’t tell you right now….maybe later.
I’m Bonni, the main character in Shana Gray’s WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS. I think Shana did a bang-up job creating a world where my college friends and I met up after ten years apart.

Sure, life had taken us in different directions, cast us to the four corners. Each of us focused on our careers, but we kept in touch. Me… I was working my way up through the ranks of a local police department. I finally made Detective, Fraud Division. And let me tell you, it’s been damn busy!
I was wrung out, burnt out, exhausted, and on a whim, I let out a battle cry for my girls. Let’s go to Vegas! You have no idea how thrilled I was when Celia, Ava, and Fredi all jumped on my bandwagon.
We were going to Vegas baby! This was a well-deserved GIRLS WEEKEND AWAY! No men, no work, no kids (I don’t have any but Celia had two of the darling little rug rats). We were going to have a blast. We pooled our available dates and came up with a time we could all escape. Yes, that’s right, escape. I couldn’t wait to meet up with them in Vegas.
And that’s when my life took a change I didn’t see coming. Being a cop I’m always aware of my surroundings. Scanning the crowds, watching behaviors, never sitting with my back to the door. You know the drill. But, I forgot all that. I had my girls with me. We had each other’s back and that’s all that was required. Boy was I wrong.
Do you want to know what happened next? Well, I ain’t gonna tell ya! No way. Haha. You have to grab a free copy of WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS to find out. I mean seriously….how can you go wrong?
Did you know WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS doesn’t cost any pennies? Perfect time to jump in and meet us!
And, if you want to find out how the rest of the girls’ lives changed because of this one little incident, read on my dearest reader, read on. Oh, and that special event that happened to me? You’ll have to read it in the last book of the Girls Weekend Away series.
Let us know what you think…we’d love it if you left an honest review too.
Oh, I almost forgot, I heard through the grapevine that changes are afoot for Shana and her newsletter, so if you want to know the scoop, you’ll read it there first! It would be cool if you could share this post with your friends too.
Welp….the girls are calling and it’s time to run. We’re going dancing!
See ya!
Bonni xxx
(sale only in North America)