Food and romance.

{insert tune here} Like love and marriage… go together like a horse and carriage.


This week an awesome cookbook was released by a bunch of wonderful authors. All proceeds will go to Pro-Literacy. All recipes are original to the author and they talk about the recipes, history, where the recipe came from. So it’s an interesting book, with more than just yummy recipes.


Cooking is love made visible – Anonymous

This book was created to share two gifts: food and reading. Without the ability to read, we miss out on magic, on thoughts, on being transported to other times and other places. Without food, we wither and without the written word we are less than we can be.

And so, these wonderful authors offered their recipes and their histories and their love so others can have the ability to share their stories.

Here are the buy links to get your copy. – Amazon – Kobo – Barnes & Noble – iBooks

